ACCCESS i NFORMATION FROM ANYWHERE KnowledgeCall - Access Information From Anywhere

What is it?

A way of increasing Sales and reducing Costs by selling on-line 24/7 to help you deliver increased profits to your business.

According to the latest research by ‘VERDICT’ on-line Sales Growth increased by over 36% in 2003 with strong growth from women and the ‘grey pound’. As on-line demand matures you cannot afford to be left behind. If you are selling a product or service and have an ineffective, or no e-commerce capability then you must act now.

Knowledge Call is focused on helping small companies compete with the larger players on-line, by offering a cost effective and manageable ‘first step’ approach to selling and promoting on-line.


What does it give me?
What does it cost?
What are the benefits to my business?


© 2004 Knowledge Call